DVT And Pulmonary Embolism

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) are serious conditions related to blood clots. DVT occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein, typically in the legs, while PE occurs when a clot breaks loose from the vein and travels to the lungs, blocking blood flow. Both conditions can lead to severe complications and require prompt medical attention and treatment.

Our Expertise

Our team specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of DVT and PE, offering advanced expertise in managing these potentially life-threatening conditions. Led by experienced vascular specialists and interventional radiologists, we are dedicated to providing timely and effective care to patients with DVT and PE, minimizing the risk of complications and improving outcomes.

Benefits of DVT And Pulmonary Embolism

Prevention of Complications

Early diagnosis and treatment of DVT and PE help prevent serious complications such as pulmonary hypertension, chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH), and recurrent blood clots. By effectively managing these conditions, patients can avoid long-term health issues and improve their quality of life.

Reduction of Symptoms

Treatment for DVT and PE aims to alleviate symptoms such as leg pain, swelling, shortness of breath, and chest pain. By addressing the underlying cause of these symptoms, patients can experience relief and improved comfort, allowing them to resume normal activities with greater ease.

Lower Risk of Recurrence

Proper management of DVT and PE reduces the risk of recurrence, helping patients avoid future episodes of blood clot formation and related complications. This contributes to long-term vascular health and enhances overall well-being for individuals affected by these conditions.

The DVT And Pulmonary Embolism Procedure

Here's what you can expect during a DVT And Pulmonary Embolism procedure:


The patient undergoes diagnostic tests such as ultrasound imaging, CT scans, or ventilation-perfusion scans to confirm the presence and location of blood clots in the deep veins or lungs.

Anticoagulation Therapy

Treatment typically begins with anticoagulant medications, such as heparin and warfarin, to prevent further blood clot formation and stabilize existing clots.

Thrombolysis (if necessary)

In cases of severe DVT or PE, thrombolysis may be performed to dissolve blood clots using clot-busting medications delivered directly to the affected area via catheter.

Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filter Placement (if necessary)

In some cases, an IVC filter may be inserted to prevent blood clots from traveling to the lungs in patients who are at high risk of pulmonary embolism or who cannot tolerate anticoagulant therapy.

Compression Stockings

Patients may be advised to wear compression stockings to improve blood flow and reduce the risk of post-thrombotic syndrome in the legs.

Mobility and Exercise

Encouraging mobility and regular exercise helps prevent blood clots and promotes circulation, reducing the risk of recurrence and improving overall vascular health.

Follow-up Monitoring

Patients undergo regular follow-up appointments to monitor their response to treatment, adjust medications as needed, and assess for any complications or recurrence of blood clots.

Education and Prevention

Patients receive education on lifestyle modifications, risk factors for blood clots, and strategies to prevent future episodes. This includes maintaining a healthy weight, staying active, avoiding prolonged sitting or standing, and adhering to prescribed medications.